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No New Posts Level One: Administrative Office

The first level of the Ministry of Magic contains the office of the Minister, and the offices of the administrative staff.

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No New Posts Level Two: Department of Magical Law Enforcement

The Department of Magical Law Enforcement is a combination of police and justice facilities and has power over all other departments except the Department of Mysteries. It includes the following offices:
Auror Office
Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office
Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects
Improper Use of Magic Office
Wizengamot and Wizengamot Administration Services
Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes

18 62 Take a Time to Smile//Vereesa
by Vereesa Arietta Swann
Mar 19, 2018 18:10:48 GMT
No New Posts Level Three: Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes

The Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes is responsible for repairing accidental magical damage. It includes the following offices:

Accidental Magic Reversal Squad
Obliviator Headquarters
Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee
Invisibility Task Force
Muggle Liaison Office

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No New Posts Level Four: The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures is responsible for studying, regulating, and controlling magical creatures. It includes the following offices:
Beast Division
Being Division
Spirit Division
Goblin Liaison Office
Centaur Liaison Office
Pest Advisory Board
Office of Misinformation

12 73 In Another Light // Rick// Jae Eun// Daryl
by Hansung Nam-gi Kang
May 4, 2020 11:15:39 GMT
No New Posts Level Five: Department of International Magic Co-operation

The Department of International Magical Cooperation deals with foreign affairs, both political and public.It includes the following offices:

International Magical Trading Standards Body
International Magical Office of Law
International Confederation of Wizards, British Seats

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No New Posts Level Six: Department of Magical Transportation

The Department of Magical Transportation is responsible for various aspects of magical transportation. It includes the following offices:

Floo Network Authority
Broom Regulatory Control
Portkey Office
Apparation Test Centre

1 1 Don't Take Love Off The Table//Molly
by Charles Patrick Weasley
May 2, 2014 6:41:31 GMT
No New Posts Level Seven: Department of Magical Games and Sports

The Department of Magical Games and Sports deals with organising sports events and enforcing game-related laws and regulations. It includes the following offices:

British and Irish Quidditch League Headquarters
Official Gobstones Club
Ludicrous Patents Office

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No New Posts Level Eight: Atrium

This is where you enter the Ministry of Magic. There is a hall of fireplaces, beautiful wood floors, and a fountain of golden statues. Here is also a row of lifts and the security staff stand for visitor wand registration.

6 24 No Stone Unturned//Silas
by Alecto Sirun d'Eath
Nov 19, 2018 18:06:31 GMT
No New Posts Level Nine: Department of Mysteries

The Department of Mysteries, located on Level Nine, is a section of the Ministry of Magic that carries out confidential research regarding particular enigmas (death, time, space, thought, and love) and stores copies of prophecies. Most of its operations are carried out in total secrecy from the general wizard populace.

2 3 Temper Flaring//Porrim
by Porrim Kurloz d'Eath
Mar 19, 2018 16:53:03 GMT

Ministry of Magic

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Lauren Sibena Lopez 2 952 by Morina
Dec 21, 2018 20:14:25 GMT
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Vincent Liam Cooper 12 526 by Morina
May 30, 2018 16:07:51 GMT
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Albus Severus Potter 1 660 by Anastasie Renée Waldgrave
Jan 4, 2017 23:24:26 GMT
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Vincent Liam Cooper 5 856 by Vincent Liam Cooper
May 27, 2016 11:59:43 GMT
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Lauren Sibena Lopez 0 764 by Lauren Sibena Lopez
Apr 28, 2014 22:25:03 GMT
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Lauren Sibena Lopez 0 1,047 by Lauren Sibena Lopez
Apr 15, 2014 20:01:56 GMT
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Headmistress Persephone 0 249 by Headmistress Persephone
Feb 19, 2014 0:19:40 GMT


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Ministry of Magic
The Ministry of Magic is the main governing body of the magical community of Great Britain with the intention of preservation of magical law. The Ministry connects the British government to the wizarding world. The headquarters of the Ministry are in Whitehall,in central London, deep underground.

The Ministry is friendlier these days, and there's a fireplace in the entrance hall of Hogwarts that leads directly to the Ministry if students wish to visit for any reason.
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Vincent Liam Cooper: same, but we're getting into christmas soon T_T and my shop is like,,, famous for having good decorations for cheap so i'll prolly be insanely busy until january Aug 30, 2019 22:03:32 GMT
Anastasie Renée Waldgrave: trust me, i get it. i work in food delivery and americian football season is about to start up again Aug 31, 2019 10:15:23 GMT
Feng Huing Fu Liu: And I work in flowers.... so weddings and funerals, so I am trying lol Aug 31, 2019 16:54:03 GMT
Anastasie Renée Waldgrave: at least we all understand that life get busy and what not Aug 31, 2019 22:05:12 GMT
Vincent Liam Cooper: all customer service jobs are just terrible™ this time of year :,) Aug 31, 2019 22:21:51 GMT
Vincent Liam Cooper: and yes that's true! so many people i've rped with in the past got so mad if you took time out if life got busy. i once got kicked out of an rp for having really bad anxiety and needing time out since they didn't like. care people outsideof america were in Aug 31, 2019 22:23:18 GMT
Vincent Liam Cooper: the rp and they woudl like. storm ahead so you could never get anything done unless you were american/canadian. i feel so luck you guys and my one tumblr rp partner are chill with having to wait. it's a total breath of fresh air lol Aug 31, 2019 22:23:58 GMT
Vincent Liam Cooper: i'm also still recovering from taylor swift's new album so that isn't helping lol Aug 31, 2019 22:24:12 GMT
Anastasie Renée Waldgrave: that is cause we are all understanding people and get that we have stuff come in life and what not Sept 1, 2019 19:33:31 GMT
Feng Huing Fu Liu: I have always said real life comes first, like I love rping but I have a life outside of it so yeah. I love you guys so much <3 Sept 2, 2019 16:54:34 GMT
Anastasie Renée Waldgrave: We understand this is and love you too Sept 2, 2019 20:54:58 GMT
Hyun Min Kihyun: <3 I am so thankful I have you guys in my life, I love you all Sept 4, 2019 18:49:31 GMT
Vincent Liam Cooper: i feel the same <3 i really came to love writing because of all of you and wouldn't have met some amaznig people (including yourselves) if i never found the origianl forum on tumblr T_T Sept 12, 2019 22:46:14 GMT
Hien Quang Phan: You are so cute <3 Sept 13, 2019 16:14:19 GMT *
Vincent Liam Cooper: <3 <3 <3 Sept 28, 2019 10:38:17 GMT
Deshi Ja Jungkook: Okay I am gonna change Deshi (again...) because I can't remember who I originally said and I found one that works so yay! Oct 7, 2019 13:58:02 GMT
Albus Severus Potter: All good I’ll update on Friday hopefully ^^ Oct 7, 2019 17:39:27 GMT
Deshi Ja Jungkook: It won't let me add any gifs to it... like everything is invalid Oct 9, 2019 14:51:35 GMT
Hae Soo Moon: Okay so for those that don't know, Mel is going to be spotty at best on here, my job closed down so no wifi for me. I am sorry Jan 28, 2020 4:39:52 GMT
Vincent Liam Cooper: i'm sorry to hear that :c don't worry about it at all - come back on whenever you can <3 Jan 28, 2020 17:18:49 GMT
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